A School Food Authority is defined as schools currently participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) applying for the at-risk afterschool care center component only.
Schools already participating in the NSLP have a streamlined application process when applying to participate in the at-risk afterschool care center component of the CACFP. The information contained in the table below must be completed and/or submitted.
- CE application screen in TX-UNPS
- Site application in TX-UNPS for each at-risk site
- Board of Directors screen in TX-UNPS -
- SFAs will enter their Child Nutrition Director information.
- CEs that currently administer NSLP are not required to submit a detailed budget, but they are required to a respond to the following budget questions in CACFP application:
-- Log on to TX-UNPS and select CACFP.
-- Click on Application.
-- Click on Add beside Contracting Entity Budget Detail.
-- Locate the Projected Annual CACFP Income header. Click on Anticipated Annual CACFP Reimbursement (Project Total Meals X Rate Annual Revenue under the Projected Annual CACFP Income header.
-- Locate the Supper, Free row under the ADP header. Type the number 1 in first text box and in the second text box on that row. TX-UNPS will automatically calculate the current rate and populate the last box in the row with the worksheet total. For 2016-2017, the total is $3.31. The amount may change each year.
-- Scroll to the bottom of the ADP section. Click Close. If a warning message is generated, ignore the warning message and submit. The Contracting Entity Budget Detail screen will appear.
-- Locate Section H. Click the No checkbox for each of the questions in Section H.
-- Locate the Certification statement toward the bottom of screen. Click the checkbox in front of the statement to indicate that the information recorded is accurate.
-- Click Submit to complete the budget reporting process.
Direct Deposit Authorization (74-176)
- Application for Texas Identification Number (AP-152)
- If Using EIN submit either a copy of
- The IRS letter issuing the EIN to the organization, or
- A payment coupon with the EIN pre-printed on the coupon
- Description of qualifying afterschool program that includes educational/enrichment activities
- Checklist items
- SFAs are not required to submit all the checklist items, however TX-UNPS requires a check mark in all checkboxes in order to submit the application.
- Permanent Agreement Contracting Entity Specific Amendment
- SFAs are required to amend the FND Permanent Agreement to add participation in the CACFP.
All forms that are not submitted in TX-UNPS must be completed in ink or other non-erasable print.