Program statistics posted here are a snapshot of TDA Food and Nutrition data. Program statistics for School Nutrition Program, Child and Adult Care Food Programs and Summer Meal Programs are derived from the site-level reimbursement datasets found on the Texas Open Data Portal.
For more information on what datasets are posted, how often they are updated, and how to access this data, please visit our F&N Open Data page.
TDA Food and Nutrition Meals Served Dashboard
Aggregate and monthly count of meals and snacks served by participants of the School Nutrition Programs (NSLP/SBP), Child and Adult Care Food Programs (CACFP), and Summer Meal Programs (SFSP/SSO) for the current program year.
How Program Statistics Data are Reported
Number of Contracting Entities (CE) and sites
CE and sites are counted as participants if they have submitted at least one approved claim in the program year.
Average meals served per day
Average meals served per day is calculated as the total number of meals served in a claim month divided by the average serving days in that month. In reporting average meals served per day for more than one claim month, the total number of meals served in a period is divided by the sum of the average, non-zero monthly serving days in that time period.
Meals served for the year
Total meals served for the year is calculated as a sum of all meals reported on approved claims for the program year.
Meal reimbursements are reported as the sum of all approved reimbursements for the program year.
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