All the most current resources you need to successfully operate the Farmers Market Nutrition Program are available here. TDA keeps this page updated with any new policy updates and news, including the following:
- Handbook release notices with update summaries
- Form release notices
- Brand new policy updates that haven’t yet been updated within the handbooks
- FAQs and other resources, as required
Please bookmark this page and check back periodically.
February 14, 2025 - RELEASE – Section 6000 of Farmers’ and Senior Farmers’ Market Handbooks
Section 6000, Civil Rights of both the FMNP and SFMNP Handbooks has been revised and posted to SquareMeals to clarify that sites must maintain written complaint procedures and to add Item 6410, Civil Rights Complaints, describing the process for filing a complaint.
Handbook Revision Notice 25-01 for both handbooks details the revisions made.
You can find the handbooks, including the revised individual section, Revision Notice, and a complete searchable Handbook at:
November 6, 2024 - Crosswalk of 2 CFR 200 Updates Posted on SquareMeals
On October 25, TDA posted news on SquareMeals about updates to 2 CFR 200. While most updates are non-substantive in nature, some operators have requested to see a full list of the 560 changes to the regulation. Click here to see a USDA-provided crosswalk of all changes to 2 CFR 200.
October 25, 2024 - Updates to Federal Financial Regulations (2 CFR 200)
On October 1, 2024, a Final Rule was implemented that made significant updates to 2 CFR 200. While most changes appear to not affect the Nutrition and Household Programs administered by TDA, there are several changes that will impact our operators, including:
- Equipment threshold increased from $5,000 to $10,000. This means that as of October 1, 2024, only equipment purchases of $10,000 or more require a Capital Expenditure request.
- The single audit threshold has increased from $750,000 to $1,000,000. This means that any operator that expends more that $1,000,000 in Fiscal Year 2025 will need to conduct a single audit. Note that any operator that expended more that $750,000 in FY 2024 will also need a single audit.
- For the few operators using the de minimis indirect cost rate, the percentage of modified total direct costs used to derive the rate has increased from 10% to 15%, and the threshold of federal reimbursement factored into the modified total direct cost amount has been increased from $25,000 to $50,000.
- The aggregate amount of unused supplies (including computers under $10,000 each) that an operator can retain or sell at the time of closeout has been increased from $5,000 to $10,000. Note that if the amount is over $10,000, TDA will be entitled to a percentage of the fair market value of the supplies or the amount received in the sale of those supplies.
September 25, 2024 - RELEASE: Updated Participant Voucher Issuance Log
TDA has released an updated Participant Voucher Issuance Log for Farmers’ and Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program Contracting Entities. The form has been converted to Excel for clarity and ease of use. The Form instructions were also updated to reflect these changes. The updated form and instructions are located on both the SFMNP and FMNP Administration/Forms pages on SquareMeals.
September 25, 2024 - RELEASE: Updated S/FMNP Agreements
Agreements for the Farmers’ and Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Programs must be signed every three years. TDA has posted new versions of the Agreements for both programs reflecting the dates of the new cycle beginning Program Year 2025. Changes to the Agreements include removal of references to the signature requirement on vouchers in both programs to align with regulations and guidance provided in the USDA-issued FMNP Policy Memo #2022-1 and SFMNP Policy Memo #2022-2. Additionally, TDA has created a new SFMNP Agreement Addendum (SFMNP-01A) to be signed by a Contracting Entity that fully operates and owns a Farmers’ Market Association. All FMNP and SFMNP Agreements can be found on those Programs’ respective Administration/Forms pages on SquareMeals.
December 19, 2023 - RELEASE: Updated H1420 S/FMNP Famers' Market, Roadside Stand, and Certification/Issuance Site Information Form and Instructions
The S/FMNP Farmers' Market, Roadside Stand, and Certification/Issuance Site Information Form and and Instructions have been revised and posted to SquareMeals on the FMNP and SFMNP Administration/Forms pages. The form and instructions were updated to allow collection of site information for roadside stands and voucher certification/issuance sites.
November 8, 2023 - RELEASE: Updated S/FMNP Market, Farmer, and Roadside Stand Review Form
The S/FMNP Market, Farmer, and Roadside Stand Review Form (previously titled Farmers' Market Review Form) has been revised and posted to SquareMeals on the FMNP and SFMNP Administration/Forms pages. The form was revised for clarity and to ensure all relevant topics are being covered during reviews. Edits were also made to reflect that roadside stands are to be included in reviews as well.
September 18, 2023 - Updated FMNP handbook sections published
The following FMNP Handbook sections have been revised and posted to SquareMeals:
- 2000, Eligibility and Application Requirements;
- 4000, Managing the Program;
- 6000, Civil Rights; and
- 9000, Terms, Definitions, and Acronyms
We have also released Handbook Revision Notice 23-01, which gives details about the revisions made.
You can find the FMNP Handbook; including the revised sections, Revision Notice, and a complete searchable FMNP Handbook in the table below.