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Quick Reference for NSLP/SBP
The School Breakfast Program (SBP) reimburses the approved meals contracting entities serve to more than 1.5 million qualifying Texan children daily. The SBP also encourages the consumption of domestically produced agricultural commodities and foods. SBP participants include children who are enrolled in the public schools or private nonprofit schools, or who live in public or private nonprofit residential child care institutions.
Texas state law requires that a school must participate in the School Breakfast Program if at least 10 percent of their students are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals.
Texas Education Code, Section 33.901 as amended by Senate Bill 376 (83rd Texas Legislative Session) requires that contracting entities (CEs) with 80 percent or more free or reduced-price meals participation in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provide breakfast at no charge for all children. The Administrator’s Reference Manual, Section 7, Breakfast Meals has been updated to include information on this requirement.