Coming Program Year 2026!
The Texas Automated Nutrition System (TANS) is a web-based system designed to support the administration of federal nutrition programs. TANS allows program sponsors, ESC users, and state users to manage their nutrition program applications, claims, compliance reviews, and more in a robust, streamlined system built using current technology and simple navigation.
Beginning with program year 2026, users will transition from TX-UNPS to TANS to manage their program operations. Though TANS will have a fresh look, new navigation, and slight process changes, it will serve the same role as TX-UNPS.
TANS will be used for the following federal nutrition programs:
• School Nutrition Program (NSLP and SBP)
• Fresh Fruit and Vegetables (FFVP)
• Special Milk Program (SMP)
• Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP and DCH)
• Summer Meal Programs (SFSP and SSO)
• Food Distribution Program (TEFAP, CSFP, and S/FMNP)