Latest News for the Food Distribution Program

New Milk Flexibility Available with Emergency Conditions Notification Form for Contracting Entities Experiencing Milk Service Disruption

Published: 363 days ago
" Considering recent milk supply chain issues due to packaging shortages, TDA is using the discretion provided by federal regulation to allow Program operators to serve and claim meals without fluid milk or with an alternate form of fluid milk during this temporary emergency period. Contracting entities must complete the Emergency Conditions Notification Form.
Considering recent milk supply chain issues due to packaging shortages, TDA is using the discretion provided by federal regulation to allow Program operators to serve and claim meals without fluid milk or with an alternate form of fluid milk during this temporary emergency period.
To utilize the flexibility, Contracting Entities (CEs) affected by the recent shortage must submit the newly released Milk Flexibility for Emergency Conditions Notification Form as soon as possible. CEs must provide details about how they are handling the shortage as well as the name of their milk vendor. 

The form will provide flexibility for up to 30 calendar days or until fluid milk becomes available, whichever is sooner. If the shortage exceeds 30 days or the end date submitted on the form, the CE must submit a new form. If the milk shortage ends prior to the end of the 30 days, the CE must return to regular service and document the date of return to service for each site.

The form is currently available on the NSLP, CACFP, and Summer Program Administration/Forms page tables.


Assistance available in English and Spanish. Please call 877-TEX-MEAL (877-839-6325) for help. Additional translations services available as well.

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