Latest News for School Nutrition Programs

Rural Summer Non-Congregate Request Form and Resources Now Available

Published: 173 days ago
" On April 5, TDA opened up the request form for eligible SFSP and SSO operators who want to serve non-congregate summer meals in rural areas this summer. Please refer to the Summer Non-Congregate Feeding Program page on SquareMeals to access the form, updated site eligibility map, and important FAQs about participation eligibility and requirements.
On April 5, TDA  released the request form for eligible SFSP and SSO operators who want to serve non-congregate summer meals in rural areas this summer. On the Summer Non-Congregate Feeding Program page on, you will find the form, updated site eligibility map, and important FAQs about participation eligibility and requirements. 

Summer operators with interest in providing non-congregate service should do the following:

-- Using the site eligibility map, validate that the intended site is rural and is more than 2 miles away from the next nearest site.

-- Ensure that a site application has been submitted in TX-UNPS. Sites must be approved or conditionally approved within TX-UNPS prior to a submittal of the Non-Congregate Request Form.

-- Read the  FAQs very carefully. These FAQs serve as the official "handbook" for Summer Non-Congregate service until updates to the official program handbooks can be made.

-- Start preparing now - think about flexibilities that make sense for your site, procedures that must be developed, and strategic site locations. Note that the application process requires more information than years past per guidance from USDA.

-- Consult with your Education Service Center about any questions you may have after reading through all of TDA's guidance.



Assistance available in English and Spanish. Please call 877-TEX-MEAL (877-839-6325) for help. Additional translations services available as well.

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