Published: 139 days ago
" On November 1, 2024, FNS released SP 04-2025, Fees for Electronic Payment Services in the School Meal Programs. This memo states that, effective school year 2027-2028, families with students eligible for reduced-price meal benefits in the school meal programs must not be charged any fees for using electronic payment services in the school meal programs.
On November 1, 2024, USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) released SP 04-2025, Fees for Electronic Payment Services in the School Meal Programs. This memo states that, effective school year 2027-2028, families with students eligible for reduced-price meal benefits in the school meal programs must not be charged any fees for using electronic payment services in the school meal programs. This requirement ensures that students who are determined eligible for free or reduced-price meal benefits receive the benefits they qualify for without having to pay additional fees along with the cost of a meal. The memo also offers best practices and strategies for school food authorities to ensure that all families are aware of payment options and to ease the financial burden that electronic payment processing fees impose on families. This memorandum supersedes SP 02-2015, Online Fees in the School Meal Programs.
This policy is effective SY 2027-2028, or the school year immediately following the expiration of the school food authority’s current contract with a payment processing company, if the contract expires after SY 2027-2028. FNS is delaying implementation of this requirement to provide ample lead time to allow SFAs to modify current systems and/or establish new contracts; however, SFAs are encouraged to implement this requirement as soon as they are able. SFAs may use funds in the nonprofit school food service account to cover the fees under their current contract.
The entire memo is available here. These updates will be included in a future ARM release.