Published: 3 years 76 days ago
" January 12, 2022 - Returning Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Contracting Entities (CEs) for SFSP program year 2022 may enter in the site applications no more than the amount listed on the Maximum Approvable ADP list. The Maximum ADP list provides the maximum approvable ADP for the site by meal type for SFSP 2022. Click the link in the title to find the list at the bottom of the next page. The list is used to determine the maximum ADP for each site.
The Maximum ADP list (
see link at bottom of this page) provides the maximum approvable ADP for the site by meal type for SFSP 2022. CEs are not required to enter the max ADP amount but should not enter an amount greater than the max ADP. Site Applications initially submitted with an ADP greater than the maximum ADP cannot be approved and will be returned for correction. CEs must review all Site Applications prior to initial submission in TX-UNPS to ensure that each Site Application and meal type is no greater than the maximum approvable ADP.
If a CE begins operations and notices a sustained level of participation that is greater than their historical highest monthly ADP, an increase in ADP may be requested by amending and submitting the Site Application for approval. Requests to increase the ADP should be made only after meal service has begun by entering the requested amount in the Site Application and submitting it for approval. To ensure timely processing of the request to increase ADP, adequate justification and/or additional information for the increase in ADP should be provided in Line 36 of the Site Application. Please allow more processing time for ADP increase requests of over 20%. ADP increase requests over 20% of the approved ADP may require a more detailed review as part of the approval process.
Please note, the request to increase ADP is not eligible for review if a claim for the applicable month has already been filed.
PY23 SFSP Max ADP_12152023.xlsx (168.96 KB)