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Latest News for the Summer Meal Programs
Published: 282 days ago
USDA has released the USDA Summer Food Service Program Administration Guide, which supersedes the previous USDA Administrative Guidance for Sponsors Handbook that was last released in 2016. The new SFSP Administration Guide describes the policies and best practices for successful operation of traditional in-person summer meal sites and alternate meal service options for rural communities. "
USDA has released the USDA Summer Food Service Program Administration Guide, which supersedes the previous USDA Administrative Guidance for Sponsors Handbook that was last released in 2016. The new SFSP Administration Guide describes the policies and best practices for successful operation of traditional in-person summer meal sites and alternate meal service options for rural communities. It is tailored to anyone who is interested in learning program policy including, but not limited to, how to participate, apply, administer, and operate the SFSP at various levels.
Note that TDA is still providing additional guidance via the SFSP Supplemental Handbook, and efforts to consolidate USDA's guidance and information from the Supplemental Handbook into a comprehensive TDA SFSP Handbook are currently underway.
USDA's SFSP Administration Guide can be found here.
Assistance available in English and Spanish. Please call 877-TEX-MEAL (877-839-6325) for help. Additional translations services available as well.
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