Independent Centers are defined as a single child care center or adult day care center.
"Introduction to the CACFP" training course is required prior to access to online application system. If you have not already completed training, go to Intro to CACFP Training section to locate and register for the appropriate course.
Ensure you complete all the information under the following tabs as applicable:
- Application packet
- Advance request - if your organization wants to receive advances
- Annual audit In addition to completing the information contained in TX-UNPS you will be required to submit the additional information listed below as applicable (reference the appropriate handbook as needed for additional information.)
- FND Permanent Agreement
- Direct Deposit Authorization (74-176)
- Application for Texas Identification Number (AP-152)
- If using an EIN submit either a copy of
- The IRS letter issuing the EIN to the organization, or
- A payment coupon with the EIN pre-printed on the coupon
- Pre-Award Civil Rights Compliance Review
- Description of qualifying afterschool enrichment/educational program (at-risk afterschool care centers only)
- Documentation of Area Eligibility - verification from the school that the site is located in its attendance area. Reference CACFP At-risk Afterschool Care Centers Handbook, Item 4221 for specific verification requirements (at-risk afterschool care centers only).
- Documentation of Licensure
Child care sites exempt from licensing must submit proof of exemption from the licensing requirement (reference the at-risk afterschool handbook for exceptions to this requirement)
- Proof of compliance with State, City or County health and/or safety requirements if exempt from licensing
- Proof of 501(c)(3) tax exemption (non-profit organizations only)
- Organizational Chart
- Include names and titles of all officers, agents, full or part time staff, volunteers, board members and consultants
- Subcontract Agreements
- Contracts for purchased meals or services related to the CACFP: If the organization plans to contract for meals it must use the appropriate TDA Invitation for Bid and Contract for Purchased Meals (IFB) which can be found here.
- Organization - Legal Documents (submit all that apply):
- Articles of Incorporation
- Certificate of Formation
- Assumed Name Certificate
- Governing Body –
- Governing Body Awareness form
- Legal Documents (applies to all Principals within non-governmental organizations)
- Copy of Government Issued ID
- Driver’s license
- Military ID
- Valid US Passport
- Voter Registration Card
- Proof of residential mailing address
- Driver’s license
- Copy of a current lease
- Bank statement
- Utility bill
Principal means any individual who holds a management position within, or is an officer of, an organization or a sponsored center, including all members of the organization’s board of directors or the sponsored center’s board of directors.
All forms that are not submitted in TX-UNPS must be completed in ink or other non-erasable print.