All the most current resources you need to successfully operate the Emergency Food Assistance Program are available here. TDA keeps this page updated with any new policy updates and news, including the following:
- Handbook release notices with update summaries
- Form release notices
- Brand new policy updates that haven’t yet been updated within the handbooks
- FAQs and other resources, as required
Please bookmark this page and check back periodically.
March 7, 2025 – RELEASE: Revised TEFAP H1555 and H155b Household Application for USDA Foods and Instructions (English and Spanish)
The following TEFAP forms and instructions have been revised to include the requirement that a zip code is the minimum piece of information required at the time of application to establish participant residency:
- H1555 - Household Application for USDA Foods and Instructions (and Instructions) NOTE: Form contains both English and Spanish
- H1555b – Alternate Household Application for USDA Foods (both English and Spanish versions) and Instructions (both English and Spanish versions)
While a full address may be requested, it is not required for a participant to receive USDA Foods via TEFAP.
The forms and instructions can be found on the TEFAP Administration/Forms page at:
March 7, 2025 – RELEASE: Multiple TEFAP Handbook Sections
Multiple sections of the TEFAP Handbook were revised to reflect the most recent policy guidance and rulemaking. Significant revisions are highlighted within the handbooks and described in the newly published Revision Notice.
- Section 3: Managing the Program
- Section 4: USDA Foods
- Section 5: Visits, Reviews, and Audits
- Section 6: Civil Rights
- Section 7: Financial Management
- Section 10: Disaster Policies and Procedures
You can find the complete TEFAP Handbook; individual, revised sections; and the Revision Notice at
Please replace any previous versions of these sections that you may have saved.
December 10, 2024 – RELEASE: Updated H1639 Temperature Record Form
TDA has posted an updated H1639 Temperature Record Form and Instructions on the TEFAP Administration/Forms page. The form was updated to include columns for documenting dry storage temperatures.
EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 30, 2024 – Food Distribution Programs - Improving Access & Parity Final Rule
On October 31, 2024, USDA published the Food Distribution Programs - Improving Access & Parity Final Rule, which changes program regulations to make access and parity improvements within TEFAP, CSFP, and those using USDA Foods for disaster response. These changes must be implemented by December 30, 2024. Changes include:
- Increases CSFP’s maximum income eligibility guidelines from 130% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, to 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, so that the program can reach additional seniors in need.
- Streamlines CSFP home delivery services by providing flexibility for identity verification requirements at the time of delivery of CSFP foods. This change is intended to help support state and local agencies in modernizing the program’s delivery methods.
- Removes a longstanding, burdensome requirement that requires TEFAP eligible recipient agencies (ERAs) to collect the address of all TEFAP participants. This change will streamline the TEFAP intake process and minimize lines at food banks and pantries.
- Standardizes TEFAP income eligibility standards among state agencies and establishes a maximum income eligibility threshold range for the program. This change will reduce variance in income eligibility across state agencies, and protect TEFAP access for those most in need.
In USDA Foods in Disasters, the rule:
- Removes a longstanding restriction on the simultaneous provision of USDA Foods and Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) benefits, which was determined to be unnecessary and slowed down the provision of food to those affected by disasters, emergencies, and distress situations.
- Revises reporting requirements for state agencies operating approved disaster household distributions. This reporting will improve USDA’s and state distributing agencies’ understanding of the quantity and types of USDA Foods available for emergency response and allow USDA to more quickly replace USDA Foods used in disaster response.
More information on these regulation changes can currently be found at:
TDA will be updating handbooks and resources, providing updates on our regularly scheduled calls with the Food Banks, and posting updates on this page, as required.
November 6, 2024 - RELEASE: Updated Pre-Award Civil Rights Compliance Review Form
The Pre-Award Civil Rights Compliance Review Form must be completed by new Contracting Entities (CEs) in all Child Nutrition and Household Programs prior to being approved for participation. This form has recently been updated to clarify that visual observation to obtain estimated racial/ethnic data is not allowable in CACFP and SFSP. Note that it is not explicitly prohibited in any other program at this time. The form has also been updated with additional sources that a prospective CE may use to obtain the estimated data for the upcoming program year. The updated form is available in TX-UNPS and on each applicable program's Administration/Forms page.
November 6, 2024 - Crosswalk of 2 CFR 200 Updates Posted on SquareMeals
On October 25, TDA posted news on SquareMeals about updates to 2 CFR 200. While most updates are non-substantive in nature, some operators have requested to see a full list of the 560 changes to the regulation. Click here to see a USDA-provided crosswalk of all changes to 2 CFR 200.
October 25, 2024 - Updates to Federal Financial Regulations (2 CFR 200)
On October 1, 2024, a Final Rule was implemented that made significant updates to 2 CFR 200. While most changes appear to not affect the Nutrition and Household Programs administered by TDA, there are several changes that will impact our operators, including:
- Equipment threshold increased from $5,000 to $10,000. This means that as of October 1, 2024, only equipment purchases of $10,000 or more require a Capital Expenditure request.
- The single audit threshold has increased from $750,000 to $1,000,000. This means that any operator that expends more that $1,000,000 in Fiscal Year 2025 will need to conduct a single audit. Note that any operator that expended more that $750,000 in FY 2024 will also need a single audit.
- For the few operators using the de minimis indirect cost rate, the percentage of modified total direct costs used to derive the rate has increased from 10% to 15%, and the threshold of federal reimbursement factored into the modified total direct cost amount has been increased from $25,000 to $50,000.
- The aggregate amount of unused supplies (including computers under $10,000 each) that an operator can retain or sell at the time of closeout has been increased from $5,000 to $10,000. Note that if the amount is over $10,000, TDA will be entitled to a percentage of the fair market value of the supplies or the amount received in the sale of those supplies.
September 25, 2024 - RELEASE: Updated H1510 TEFAP Site Information Form
TDA has released an updated H1510 TEFAP Site Information Form. Changes were non-substantive to clarify priority classifications with a new Priority Classifications tab. The updated form is located on the TEFAP Administration/Forms page of SquareMeals.
August 28, 2024 - RELEASE: CSFP/TEFAP Equipment Inventory Form
Per federal regulation and the program agreements, Contracting Entities (CEs) must maintain an inventory of all program equipment and reconcile it via a physical inventory review at least once every two years. TDA has developed an Equipment Inventory resource tool that includes all of the federally required elements that must be tracked for each piece of equipment. During the CE's scheduled administrative review, this form or a similar version created by the CE will be reviewed. The form is located on both the CSFP and TEFAP Administration/Forms pages of SquareMeals.
July 26, 2024 - RELEASE: TEFAP Handbook - Multiple Sections
Sections of the TEFAP Handbook were revised for clarity and to reflect the most recent policy guidance. Significant revisions to content and guidance are noted under the section names below and in the published Revision Notice.
Section 2, Program Application
- Edit to clarify TX-UNPS is used for CE application and claim processing and not ordering.
- Edit to clarify that only new CEs need to sign a permanent agreement with TDA during the initial application process.
Section 3, Managing the Program
- Added that a Written Notice of Beneficiary Rights must be provided to all participants and applicants at all sites, the required elements of the Notice, the options for providing the Notice, and the requirement that CEs’ written application procedures must describe how the CE will provide the Notice to participants and applicants.
Section, 4 USDA Foods
- Edit to update references to FNS Instruction 709-5.
Section 5, Visits, Reviews, and Audits
- Edit to correct a broken link in a footnote for the item describing how to determine the value of USDA Foods for audit purposes.
Section 9, Terms, Definitions, and Acronyms
- Edit to remove unnecessary definition of additional contracting entity.
- Edit to remove reference to ordering in definition of TX-UNPS.
July 22, 2024 - RELEASE: Written Notice of Beneficiary Rights and Related Forms
In accordance with 7 CFR Part 16.4(c)(1), all organizations administering TEFAP must provide a written notice to all beneficiaries and prospective beneficiaries of certain protections in a manner and form prescribed by Policy Memorandum FD-155, which can be found at
In accordance with this rule, TDA has published the new Written Notice of Beneficiary Rights on the TEFAP Administration/Forms pages of SquareMeals. This notice must be distributed at all TEFAP sites and to all participants in those Programs via one or more of the following methods:
- Post the Written Notice at service locations. The posted written notice must be visible to all TEFAP beneficiaries and prospective beneficiaries upon entrance into the distribution site;
- Provide flyers or handouts at each distribution; and/or
- Add the required Written Notice to their TEFAP intake form.
References to the written notice have also been added to updated versions of the following form:
- TEFAP Participant Rights and Responsibilities
June 28, 2024 - RELEASE: Updated TEFAP Alternate Household Application H1555B
The TEFAP Alternate Household Application Form (H1555B) has been updated to reflect the Income Eligibility Guidelines for 2024-2025. The updated form is available on the TEFAP Administration/Forms page (
June 28, 2024 - RELEASE: Updated Agreement Templates for CSFP and TEFAP
After review, the Permanent Agreement forms for both TEFAP and CSFP, specifically the agreements between TDA and CSFP/TEFAP Contracting Entities, and the agreements between Contracting Entities and Subdistributing Agencies, have been updated for clarity and alignment with those respective programs' regulatory language. The updates are not substantive and do not reflect any new regulatory responsibilities. All updated form templates are posted on the TEFAP and CSFP Administration/Forms pages, as applicable.
March 1, 2024 - RELEASE: Income Eligibility Guidelines for 2024-2025
The 2024-2025 Income Eligibility Guidelines (IEGs) for all child nutrition and household programs have been released and posted to SquareMeals here:
Additionally, the following TEFAP resource has been updated with the latest IEGs:
- H1640 – TEFAP IEGs (with Spanish translation now included)
The TEFAP income application that also contains the IEGs for TEFAP will be released closer to their effective date of July 1, 2024.