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Latest News for the Child and Adult Care Food Program
Published: 120 days ago
" TDA has recently updated the Serious Deficiency (SD) Notification Process; Sections 10000 and 11000 of the CACFP Handbooks; and SD Notification templates for both Day Care Home (DCH) sponsors and sponsors of unaffiliated child care centers, adult day care centers, and at-risk sites. Effective immediately, during the SD process, all CACFP sponsors must send official notices to their sites/providers applicable to the current step in the SD process; copies of these notices must also be sent to TDA at the same time. "
TDA has recently updated the Serious Deficiency (SD) Notification Process and SD Notification templates for both Day Care Home (DCH) sponsors and sponsors of unaffiliated child care centers, adult day care centers, and at-risk sites.
Per regulation, when sponsors of day care home providers have determined that one of its providers is seriously deficient in CACFP operations, they must follow a series of steps that will either lead to full correction of the issue or termination/disqualification from the Program. While there are no such regulations for sponsors of unaffiliated centers, TDA is implementing the same process for all CACFP sponsors in anticipation that this alignment will be codified in a Serious Deficiency Final Rule.
Effective immediately, during the SD process, all CACFP sponsors must send official notices to their sites/providers applicable to the current step in the SD process; copies of these notices must also be sent to TDA at the same time.
TDA has recently made updates to this notification process as follows:
-- Creation of a new online CACFP Serious Deficiency Process Notification Form. Sponsors must complete this form and attach a copy of the applicable SD notice throughout the process (previously, TDA required that these forms be emailed). Links to the form are also currently available on the CACFP Administration/Forms page and will be posted on the CACFP National Disqualified List page soon.
-- SD notification templates that were previously available in PDF form via Section 11000 of the CACFP Handbooks have been removed from the handbook and are now available in a separate Word template suite to allow for easier modification. Non-substantive updates for clarity were also implemented within the templates, which are located on the CACFP Administration/Forms page.
-- Sections 10000 and 11000 of the CACFP Handbooks have been updated to reflect this new process as well as other clarifying requirements. All substantive updates are highlighted in each section, and a summary of changes is available at the beginning of each section.
Assistance available in English and Spanish. Please call 877-TEX-MEAL (877-839-6325) for help. Additional translations services available as well.
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1. Mail:
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2. Fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. |
