Latest News for School Nutrition Programs

Updated Guidance on Access to Domesticated and Wild Game Animals

Published: 322 days ago
" The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has released a revised memo clarifying regulatory requirements related to food safety and answering specific questions related to procurement of local meat, poultry, seafood, game, and eggs. FNS has revised the memo to better reflect opportunities to access domesticated and wild game animals.
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has released a revised memo clarifying regulatory requirements related to food safety and answering specific questions related to procurement of local meat, poultry, seafood, game, and eggs. FNS has revised the memo to better reflect opportunities to access domesticated and wild game animals.

The revised memo can be found here: The following questions in the memo (#6, 7, and 8) have been updated as follows:
  • Must domesticated and wild game animals be voluntarily inspected in State Meat and Poultry Inspection (MPI) Programs or USDA facilities to be served in Child Nutrition Programs (CNPs)?
It depends. Producers selling domesticated and wild game animals to CNPs must meet applicable Federal, State, local and Tribal food safety regulations and inspection requirements. Program operators should work with their local food safety authority to determine whether producers are approved food sources as required by applicable State and local (including Tribal) food safety regulations.
  • The Food Buying Guide (FBG) States that “game meat must be from USDA inspected establishment;” will this language change?
The FBG footnote has been amended to reflect that purchased wild and domesticated game animals that have met all applicable Federal, State, local and Tribal food safety regulations and inspection requirements can be served in CNPs. The FBG also clarifies that donated, uninspected wild game served by certain Program operators which primarily serve Native Americans is creditable in CNPs as allowed by section 4033 of the Farm Bill.
  • Can CNP operators use Federal funds to purchase and serve wild and/or domesticated game meat?
Yes, CNP operators can buy wild and domesticated game meat with Federal funds as long as the animals are slaughtered and inspected following all Federal, State, local, and Tribal food safety regulations and inspection requirements. Please note that State and local authorities may have stricter regulations, prevent


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