Click the links below to download the appropriate verification resources:
- Verification Sample Templates Suite (also available on the Administration/Forms page) - TDA has consolidated all verification letters and information request forms into a single document from which CEs may choose the applicable letters and forms. The Verification Letter Sample Templates Suite includes the following documents
- Verification Notification - Selection Letter for Households - Provides notification to households that their child’s household meal application has been randomly selected for verification of eligibility.
- Verification of Free and Reduced-Price Eligibility | Information for Households - Accompanies the Selection Letter for Households and provides those selected households with a detailed list of requested documentation based on their eligibility type.
- Verification Information Request | Statement of Earnings Form - Intended to be used when households need to provide proof of income as part of the eligibility verification process. It is completed by the household member’s employer.
- Verification Information Request | Statement of Social Security Income Form - Intended to be used when households need to provide proof of income as part of the eligibility verification process. It is completed by a Social Security office official.
- Notification of Verification Results - The Notification of Verification Results letter samples are intended to provide household notification of the CE’s verified determination of eligibility. The letters are intended to finalize the verification process and provide households with appropriate continuation of benefits or adverse action information based on the results of the CE’s determination. The following sample letters include:
- Continuation of Benefits Letter
- Results/Adverse Action Letter - Income
- Results/Adverse Action Letter - SNAP/TANF
- Results/Adverse Action - Foster
- Verification Information Request | SNAP/TANF Multiple Applicant Letter and Form - Intended to be used during the verification process to assist the Contracting Entity (CE) in determining the eligibility of participants who have qualified for free meals based on household SNAP or TANF eligibility. This form is prepared by the CE, but verification is determined by the SNAP or TANF official.
- Verification Sample Templates Suite (SPANISH VERSIONS) - See above for description.
- Verification Report | Individual Household Form - Intended to assist CEs in documenting their efforts to verify eligibility. CEs must complete a form for each household selected for verification that cannot be Directly Verified.