Download Form
Additional Information |
New CEs
Renewing CEs
Permanent Agreement

Each organization applying for its first Child Nutrition Program must complete and submit one original Permanent Agreement.
Permanent Agreement Contracting Entity Specific Amendment

If applicable
If applicable
CEs participating in other child nutrition programs (CACFP, NSLP) that are new to SFSP must complete and submit a Permanent Agreement Contracting Entity Specific Amendment.
Direct Deposit Authorization (74-176)

If changed
Complete and submit to TDA to receive direct deposit of your reimbursement.
Application for Texas Identification Number (AP-152)

If you are providing a Employer Identification Number (EIN) on the Application for Texas Identification Number (Form AP-152), you must provide a copy of the document from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that establishes your organization's EIN. A copy of the letter from the IRS issuing the EIN or a copy of the payment coupon with the EIN on it, is acceptable.
Pre-Award Civil Rights Compliance Review
If applicable
Only new CEs that do not already have a Permanent Agreement are required to submit this form. This form is used to provide Civil Rights information required to determine if an organization is eligible for participation.
NOTE: The total ethnicity must equal the total participation. Example: If you estimate 100 participants, 100 participants must be categorized by ethnicity. Participants may be categorized in multiple racial categories, so you may have over 100 in race.
Health Department Letter (Prototype Letter Health Department Notification)

Submit a copy of the notification letter sent to each health department that has jurisdiction over the sites that you propose to sponsor.
This letter should include the following information for all sites in the health department’s jurisdiction:
- Site name
- Site address
- Meal types being served
- Start and end time of each meal
- Start and end dates of meal service operation
For additional information on your local health department click here.
Media Release – All Site Types
Not required
Not required
TDA does a Statewide media release on behalf of all SFSP sponsors.
NOTE: If you submit a copy of a media release that you intend to do on your own behalf, it will be discarded and will not be reviewed for completeness and accuracy by TDA.
USDA Foods Agreement

If applicable
If applicable
If you do not currently have a USDA Foods (Commodity) Agreement on file with TDA (version dated January 2017) and wish to receive USDA Foods, you must complete and submit one original.
NOTE: CEs eligible to receive USDA Foods under the SFSP include:
- CEs preparing meals onsite or at a central kitchen.
- CEs purchasing meals from a School Food Authority (SFA) that participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
- SFAs that procure their SFSP meals from the same food service management company (FSMC) that competitively provided their most recent NSLP and/or School Breakfast Program (SBP) meals.
FND-101, Certificate of Authority for External Users

If changes
Complete and submit this form to identify the officials designated to act on behalf of the CE. These individuals will also be given access, as designated, to TX-UNPS.
Method for Collecting Payment and Additional Assurances form
(Form H1506-A, Additional Assurances for Camps and Other Enrollment Programs that Charge Separately for Meals; Collection of Payment Options for Programs that Charge Separately for Meals)

If applicable
If changes
Complete and submit one original, if applicable.
Copy of vending agreement, contract and bid summary (Summer Food Service Program -- Invitation for Bid and Contract), or Extension (Summer Food Service Program – Invitation for Bid and Contract)

If applicable
If applicable
If you will be inviting food service management companies (FSMCs) to bid to furnish unitized meals, complete and return one copy. If you are in the renewal year of a contract, you must submit contract extension documentation.
NOTE: Does not apply to School Food Authority applicants that have a FSMC contract for NSLP/SBP that includes SFSP.
Agreement to Provide Food Service
If applicable
If applicable
If the meal service method of any of your sites is “Vended by School Food Authority” or “Vended by another SFSP Contracting Entity,” submit a copy of the agreement to provide food service.
NOTE: See Administrative Guidance for Sponsors – Attachments for a sample Agreement.
Bureau of Indian Affairs Letter
If applicable
If applicable
If eligibility method (question 29) of the Site Application is Bureau of Indian Affairs Letter, submit statistics on the population from one of the 12 Bureau of Indian Affairs area offices.
Migrant Organization Letter
If applicable
If applicable
If eligibility method (question 29) of the Site Application is Migrant Organization Letter, submit information obtained from the migrant organization that certifies that the site serves a majority of children of migrant workers.
Homeless Site Information
If applicable
If applicable
If eligibility method (question 29) of the Site Application is Homeless Site Information, submit information that demonstrates that site is not a residential child care institution; description of method used to ensure that no cash payments or other in-kind services are used for meal service; and certification that site only claims meals served to homeless and non-homeless children.
NOTE: Residential child care institution means any public or private nonprofit institution which operates principally for the care of children. The term “residential child care institution” includes, but is not limited to: homes for the mentally, emotionally or physically impaired, and unmarried mother and their infants; group homes; halfway houses; orphanages; temporary shelters for abused children and for runaway children; long-term care facilities for chronically ill children; and juvenile detention centers.
Copy of Articles of Incorporation, Certificate of Formation, Assumed Name
X |
Organizations must be registered with Texas Secretary of State (SOS) and the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA).
By-laws or similar document |
X |
The By-laws or similar document grants program oversight responsibility to the Governing Board and/or Officers. It outlines how the Governing Board/Officers will provide oversight of the Program and outlines the designated representatives of the Governing Board/Officers that will provide oversight of the program.
Organizational chart |
if applicable |
An organizational chart should include the positions/titles, full legal names, board members/officers, administrative personnel and operative personnel of the organization.
501c3 letter |
excluding churches |
Private nonprofit organizations must have received and must maintain tax-exempt status under 501(c)(3) from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), either individually or as part of a group ruling. If an organization acquired tax-exempt status under a group ruling, it must submit proof of its affiliation with the parent organization that has tax-exempt status. Organizations that lose their tax-exempt status are not eligible to participate in the Program.
CPA Audited Financial Statement within the last two years |
X |
Older organizations may submit a CPA Audited Financial Statement covering the last two years in lieu of the below financial documentation.
Statement of Financial Position or Statement of Net Assets (Balance Sheet)*
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Organizations less than 12 months old must furnish a Statement of Financial Position or Statement of Net Assets. Older organizations must furnish a Statement of Financial Position or Statement of Net Assets covering the most recent 12 months.
*Organization age is determined by the original filing date with the Texas Secretary of State
Statement of Activities or Statement of Changes in Net Assets (Income Statement)*
X |
Organizations less than 12 months old must furnish a Statement of Activities or Statement of Changes in Net Assets. Older organizations must furnish a Statement of Activities or Statement of Changes in Net Assets covering the most recent 12 months.
*Organization age is determined by the original filing date with the Texas Secretary of State
Comprehensive financial statements or documentation (i.e., cash flow statements, tax returns)*
X |
Organizations less than 12 months old must furnish comprehensive financial statements or documentation (i.e., cash flow statements, tax returns). Older organizations must furnish a Statement of Cash Flows covering the most recent 12 months.
*Organization age is determined by the original filing date with the Texas Secretary of State
Bank statements* |
X |
Organizations less than 12 months old must furnish consecutive bank statements for all account(s) in the name of the organization for the amount of time for which the organization has a financial history.
Older organizations must furnish 12 consecutive months of bank statements for all account(s) in the name of the organization.
*Organization age is determined by the original filing date with the Texas Secretary of State
Agreement from SFA Office/SFA Official |
If applicable |
If applicable |
All Non-ISD sponsoring organizations wishing/planning on sponsoring a school campus/a site that is located on a school campus MUST provide a signed agreement from the appropriate District Office/District Official for each (of the) site(s) that the non-ISD sponsoring organization is submitting for approval.